Be Radiant

By Leslielazard @leslielazard

Hi everyone! I know its been awhile since my last blog post. however I had the chance to witness an amazing concert last week, the message of which was definitely blog worthy. A few weeks ago Tampax reached out to me to see if I would like to attend the New Orleans show date for the Demi Lovato world tour. I happen to love Demi, so of course I immediately replied YES! On the night of the show, I went with absolutely no expectations and honestly felt a bit out of place in the beginning, because obvi I’m not quite in the age group of Demi’s target audience. However, I left feeling totally empowered and inspired.

Let’s backtrack a little to a few sentences ago when I mentioned Tampax invited me to the show. I know what you may be thinking, Tampax? But rest assured my friends, Tampax + Demi Lovato = a winning pair. This unexpected pairing is all about encouraging young women to be confident and comfortable in their own skin and bodies, motivating them to wear what they want and feel confident in it. At 28 years old, this is still a message I can benefit from hearing from time to time, and one that I’m sure all of the young ladies at Demi’s concert could benefit from as well. In today’s society of fat shaming, and bullying, it was great to have a night totally focused on girl power. I definitely love what Demi stands for, and how her struggles have made her even more confident and empowered. It’s a great message for all of the young ladies who attended the show that night, and one that I hope they’ll keep with them for years to come.

Tampax is also offering one lucky gal (or guy) and three of their friends a chance to win a VIP experience to attend Demi’s Brooklyn show! The winner and their friends will get a meet and greet with Demi, limo service, four (yes four!) front row seats, and a year’s supply of Tampax Radiant and Always Radiant Infinity. All you have to do to enter is post a solo selfie showing off your Radiant inspired look on Twitter or Instagram tagging @Tampax using the hashtag #BeRadiantSweeps and including a link to So hop to it friends and good luck!