Be Aware About The Scams On Facebook

Posted on the 18 August 2013 by Jyoti Arora @Jy0tiAr0ra

As essential and marvelous the World Wide Web is, it is also full of dangers and creeps. And nowhere are you more vulnerable than on social networking sites where people often end up sharing a lot more than they intend to. The privacy concerns of sites like Facebook are well known. And the only way you can protect your data and privacy (somewhat, not totally) is by being aware and careful yourself.

Be sure to choose your security setting on these websites very carefully. Be wary of links and videos you see getting a bit too popular among your circle. Be careful of whom you accept as your friend. Be careful of what you share. Basically, be careful. Very careful.

Here’s one resource you can use to stay alert and aware about the new dangers doing the rounds on Facebook. This is a Facebook group called Facecrooks. It is basically a group created to spread information and warning about the scams and spams going on on Facebook.

The group describes itself as: “We provide news, educational resources and alerts on social media privacy, safety and scams. Like us to receive information that will help you and your friends stay safe on Facebook.”

The group also has its own website at: 

The website is full of valuable information. And you can also choose to get their daily mails in your inbox by subscribing to them. They are also present on Twitter, Google Plus and Youtube.


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