Be a Good Neighbor and Prevent Your Dog’s Barking from Disturbing the Peace

By Hundidocom @hundidopuppy

September 28 is National Good Neighbor Day, and one of the keys to being a good neighbor is to keep your pets in your own yard. And to make sure that you prevent your dog’s barking from disturbing the peace in your ‘hood.

Neighbors who object to a dog’s barking can make life pretty unpleasant for both your and your pooch, and understandably so – much as any person loves dogs, listening to a barking dog at all hours of the day can be extremely annoying.

  • If you keep your dog in a pen during the day when you’re out, then, if this is possible, site the pen further away from neighbors, preferably with a wall to deaden the sound between the properties. If you can’t do this, then you’ll have to loo at keeping the dog indoors and getting someone to come in to see to him while you’re out.
  • Sometimes the use of a bark activated spray collar can work well in these cases- when the dog barks, the collar sprays a harmless substance like water under the chin; the dog doesn’t like it, and soon learns that barking results in this happening to him, so he remains quiet. However, don’t use such a collar if there more than one dog kept together. If the wearer isn’t barking but the other is and in close ploximity, then the collar-wearer will be squirted and won’t understand why, which makes this technique not just unfair but a bit cruel.
  • Another technique worth trying is to provide your dog with activity toys which will keep him entertained and quiet for hours.

In the event that your neighbor complains about your dog, here are five things you need to do to settle the situation. Just remember, don’t be defensive! Remember, it’s all about perception, and your neighbor’s perception is his reality.