Battles with Weight Control

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

Ladies, I was going to let Ms. BitchALot talk about this but she has been somewhat MIA lately. I think her mouth got the best of her and someone, maybe Cranks, put her in her place. :)

Battles with Weight Control

You may remember Lisa’s post on Turning 50 – Does it Mean We Have To Turn Fat Too? where she talks about again and the over growing battle with weight control. I’m here to tell you, NO ONE says we HAVE to turn fat, it just happens.

Back in November when I had some personal issues, I lost almost 15 lbs by being depressed, stressed out, and the use of an antidepressant. Here we are seven (7) months later and I’ve gained back some of it. How? I have no clue other than food has begun tasting awesome again! I am even using portion control for my meals and I keep seeing a fluctuation. It have to admit, IT’S VERY ANNOYING!

I have never been one to exercise. I hate it. I refuse to do it. My kind of exercise is chasing my dog around my house; him chasing me; and having sex. Now that I’m older more mature, the weight doesn’t come off as easily. I’ll be 46 years young this Saturday and although I’m not dreading it, I’m wondering if the approaching 50 mark indeed will turn me fat.

How can we stop it?

I don’t know if we can necessarily STOP weight gain in our peri and menopausal years but we can sure as heck try to CONTROL it using a few steps:

  • Exercise
  • Stop or limit drinking of alcohol and/or soda
  • Quit reaching for those second helpings
  • Cut back on how many carbs you eat
  • Don’t finish your kids or animals meals
  • Skipping breakfast
  • Sitting in front of the tv eating snacks
  • Smaller meal portions
  • Eat a healthier diet as my girly is doing there with her salad
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables

If this doesn’t help, you may need to consult with your physician as some prescription medicines could be the culprit of weight gain.

Hormonal changes such as producing less estrogen, our body attempts to find the hormone in places other than the ovaries. Fat cells can produce estrogen, so our body works harder to convert calories into fat to increase estrogen levels. Unfortunately, fat cells don’t burn calories the way muscle cells do, which causes weight gain.

A underactive thyroid could also play a part in weight gain as well so as I said above, if the little things don’t help, I’d highly recommend consulting your physician.

I still don’t have to like it!

Of course, we don’t have to like weight gain and if you’re like me, you don’t like to exercise either. As we mature, our metabolism slows down thus making it harder to burn calories. Might I suggest adding some Vitamins? My physician highly recommends adding B12 to your diet. B12 will boost your metabolism; give you a stronger immune system; and much more. Highly recommend!

But if all else fails and you feel like you are just determined to be OLD and FAT, as long as you are healthy, EMBRACE it. Love the body you’re in!

“Feature Image courtesy of AKARAKINGDOMS /”