Battery Indicator Pro 2.7.3 APK

Posted on the 23 November 2016 by Apkadsense @apkadsense

Battery Indicator Pro v2.7.3 APKparticular, one of a kind battery indicator in popularity bar with widget!

Battery Indicator seasoned

Battery Indicator is a free, light-weight software that presentations battery facts in Android’s repute bar and domestic display screen.
Is android battery level indicator not enough for you? This app solves this problem.

Key features of our Battery Indicator are:

precise, stylish graphics with exceptional man or woman.
– Many configuration alternatives (and nonetheless growing) – you can permit or disable and modify many functionalities.
home display screen widgets.
presentations estimated time left to completely discharge or price.
displays colourful icon with exact percent of battery degree in status bar with one-percentage accuracy.
large readable digits in reputation bar.
quick access to extra info by using sliding down from pinnacle of the display to expose Android notifications or with the aid of clicking on home display widget.
presentations current pace of charging or discharging (in percentage in step with hour).
indicators colors are changing depending on battery level and nation.
– view modes: widespread and certain, switched fast and easily through sliding panel.
– Many specified information, inclusive of temperature, voltage, health, plugged country, battery era, time from final fame exchange and so on.
– One percent accuracy.
brief get entry to to Android’s “Battery utilizationdisplay screen.
more coming soon.

utility is presently to be had in following languages:
– English
– Polski
– Français
– 한국어
– Nederlands
– Tiếng Việt
– Română
– Pусский

What’s in this version :


up to date some translations.

Battery Indicator Pro Download Link: DOWNLOAD APK (24 MB) Battery Indicator Pro APK Version History:Battery Indicator Pro DOWNLOAD APK (22 MB)