Batman, Thor, Hulk, Spiderman and More Turned Into Robots

Posted on the 19 July 2013 by Nrjperera @nrjperera


Have you ever imagined how our beloved superheroes would look like if they were robots? Well, you don’t have to because the brilliant artist  Justin Currie already did. He not only imagined it but also managed to visualize those pictures into these awesome-looking art.

It’s a shame that Superman is not here. You already saw the Robotic Batman, now take a look at rest of the superheroes and villains in robotic form. Thor and Spiderman designs are my favorite. What’s yours?

Robotic Joker


Robotic Spiderman


Robotic Thor

Robotic Loki

Robotic Flash

Robotic Hulk

[Via: Walyou / Source, Credit: Justin Currie - DeviantART]
(All the images, trademarks, logo’s shown on this post are the property of their respective owners)

Roshan Jerad Perera