Bath Time for Buddy

By Dianefergurson
It was an unusually warm and sunny Sunday this past weekend and Buddy Fergurson's mom decided that she should probably take advantage of the weather and give Kevin and Buddy a bath before it turned colder.  It had been quite a fall.  Especially for Kevin.  Chasing birds, digging in the dirt, (still) eating tomatoes, running through the leaves, and rolling in squirrel poop.  Needless to say, he needed a bath the most.
Bath Time for Buddy
Looking very brave, Kevin volunteered to be first.

Bath Time for Buddy
Of course when it was Buddy's turn... he looked around for an escape route.  He really couldn't think
of a good reason why "he" would need a bath too!

Bath Time for Buddy
But knew he was doomed!

Bath Time for Buddy

Almost finished...

Putting that behind him, Kevin was definitely ready to move on to something else!

and so was Buddy -