Bath and Body Works Glowing Body Scrub

By Jayfletch22 @Jayfletch22
Hey everybody!
         This summer has been hot and dry. In Chicago, we have been having very high temperatures with little rain. To try to beat the heat, I have been swimming in our pool a couple times a day. It feels so nice and cool in the crisp water, but the chlorine and other chemicals dry out my skin badly. Even after putting on lotion, my skin is still a little flaky. I have been using this glowing body scrub by Bath and Body Works, and it has been working miracles on my skin. 
          This scrub in Rio Rumberry, smells fruity and summery, pretty much just like any other sweet summer scent. It looks glittery, but After you wash it off of your skin, there are no traces of shimmer. It has little grainy almost sugar like beads that scrub off the flaky skin to reveal glowing, beautiful skin. It is not rough like some scrubs, and because it has some shower gel in the mix, it also moisturizes a bit as well as soften your skin and make it smell delicious. This is one of those products that works really well, but someone could easily repeat it by adding sugar to shower gel and scrubbing away. I would love to buy it again when I am done, but with a high price tag, I will probably just make my own. 

                                                                  Thanks for reading!