Basic Trench Coat

By Shegotherown @AddyGotHerOwn

Finally back to blogging, I wish I can tell you all I have been up to in one post but it is practically impossible.My cruise to Italy and road trip to Germany was amazing and also exhausting, I didn't regret choosing this way of traveling at all though!A lot of amazing things happened during this trip, but I will share with you for now what I chose to wear for the long hours journey, we were on the ship for 20 hours and on the road for 15 hours.I knew I need something neutral and comfy, so I chose to wear clothes in basic hues to stay classy.The trench coat wasn't much needed in the beginning but getting on the ship , it was so windy and cold. When we entered Austria the weather changed altogether I actually wished I was carry a more heavier coat, but I survived.What I wore:Boots & Watch: Adidas Originals by Adidas.Pants: H&MTrench: VintageTshirt: Secret Boutique.Glasses c/o: FirmooEarring: Handmade from a friend.

Thank you so much for reading and till next post,see you all on your blogs.Kisses