Basic Strategies Behind Currency Trading

Posted on the 30 January 2013 by Rachelcool01

It is very important for you to know the basic currency strategies in order to be successful in Forex trading and to earn good profits. There is no point in carrying out currency trading without even knowing what it means. You need to follow simple and basic coherent and verified Forex trading strategies in order to not lose your money in currency trading. It is important for youto understand that learning about currency trading is not a daunting task and simple techniques will help you to gain good profits. Lower Leverage There are many people who trade in currency looking to use too much of leverage and they finally end up losing quite a lot of hard earned money. It is normally considered to be suicidal if you go for higher leverages and never go for 200:1 leverages offered by most brokers. The ideal leverage whichwill not affect you badly would be 10:1 and this will help you 5 to be alive in most currency tradings. Youwill be able to make bigger gains through lowered leverages. Going for a wider stop outside the market noise would also be a good option in currency trading. Cross Rates Trading It is always a good option to think about cross rate trading. Many people have benefited from cross rate trading. It is considered to be a more viable trading option than the majors as it has a lesser speculative interest. If you are looking for low risk and high trade profits, then going to cross rate trading will help you in earning good amount as profits. The unpredictability that you see in currency tradings is greatly reduced with cross rate trades. You are sure to get better trading opportunities with cross rate trading. Proper Placing of Stop When you look at how currency traders place their stop, you will see that most of them place their stop very close to the entry price and there is every possibility of getting stopped out. This will not do any favor for the currency traders. If you are looking to win big time, then it is ideal that you place the stop very much behind where the losing majority traders place theirs. There is certainly a risk involved in placing your stop further back, but if you are able to succeed, then you have a big chance to improve your odds of the trade. If you feel that you have a small account and think that it is not trying this time, then you need to wait for the next point instead of trying in this point and losing your money. Time Stops Time stops are a great way to reduce the risk involved in currency trading. If a trade does not happen like what you had in mind within a certain time period, then the chances are that it will retrace back and hence you can use the time stop to prevent major losses. Author Bio: Matt Anton, co-founder of, is an avid blogger who specializes in currency trading and has written lots of blogs and articles on currency trading.