Basic Food Trends Of Singapore Edition 2017!

By Ashik Gosaliya

Especially during the holidays, a foodie’s knowledge and passion can be an intimidating factor, and travel is the only way out to nurture the intimidating idea of grabbing up the lip-smacking food.

When you map out a travel plan you look out for some amazing leisure time that will give you satisfaction and also make your money worth it’s spending.

When you step into the world of traveling there are some fixed assortments that are already set up in your mind and food is always on the priority list.

A delicious connoisseur could be a well-known reason for planning a voyage and it is the only thing that will satisfy your palate.

A complete relishing travel diary is incomplete if you don’t taste and smell the essence of the authenticity of that particular place.

Just like there are brewing fashion trends that are specified for each city, the same way there are food variants that make up the complete trend and you are required to procure the taste to get it drooling all throughout your trip.

Quandoo in Singapore is your best one-stop shop for grappling an amazing connoisseur of food. This could be your dining escape and one opulent supper for sure.

While everyone else is focused on their daily boring schedules give your life an edge of the masterpiece that lays down an example of the true wanderer.

Here is some assembled list of food trends of Singapore:

Tiered Hotpots

Serving the dish and garnishing them is an art form and it the basic of attracting the people towards the food. In Singapore, there are amazing ways out of serving a particular dish on a platter. This tiered hotpots will serve you an extravagant meal all at one time in a perfect sequence of parted course assortments.

Parmesan Wheel Pasta

Pasta is one of those eminent dishes that is preferred by all age group and is something that doesn’t require much of your efforts. Here is parmesan Wheel pasta (a hand-rolled pasta in a cheese wheel) that twirls the warm pasta in an actual parmesan wheel before serving to bring that actual taste.

Floating Noodles

Sounds a bit weird but is not actually what you might be thinking it is something beyond that. This conceptualized dish is served in a bowl with some mysterious blend that completely changes the boring mindset of this popular dish. So, let your noodles float and strike your palate with its extraordinary taste.

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