Basic Banana Bread

By Shadesofcinnamon

This good old fashioned Banana Bread is basic...... and by that I mean it is easy to make, without any frills, but delicious nonetheless. It is a great moist loaf and almost definitely "flop-proof". It's the kind your Grandma made, and then your Mother, who taught you, and was passed down through the family, generation to generation. These are my favourite recipes, the ones which are handwritten, with scribbled notes explaining the method, with maybe a doodle or two, and the pages covered with splashes and stains from frequent use. These are the true tell tale signs that the recipe has been tried and tested many times in the past.

Living in a Tropical region, we have an abundance of bananas and sometimes when you can't get through all the bananas that ripen quicker than you would like, the best thing to do is bake with them. In fact this is exactly when you need to make banana bread, when the bananas are soft and have black marks on the skins, they can even be soft and bruised. When they are like this they are creamier , and softer to mash, and give the most flavour . So remember the softer the banana the better the Banana Bread. Green or hard bananas are just not going to give you any flavour whatsoever, so make use of those old bananas.


  • NO to green bananas
  • YES to ripe and over ripe bananas

CHECK LIST to make Banana Bread :

This is a great loaf to freeze, but remember to wrap it well in plastic wrap, for best results. Happy baking my friends.