Bargains and Coupons

By Sue15cat

I was in Asda the other day, I buy the dogs Iams dog food from there as it's the cheapest place round here for it and I wanted to use up the voucher I got the other week.
I spotted these humungous pizzas in the reduced chiller cabinet, so straight into my trolley they went. .
Once home they were cut into quarters, individually wrapped ...

... and popped into a freezer box ready for future 'ready meal' use.
With a handful of fresh veggies, maybe some meat for Lovely Hubby and a bit more cheese sprinkled on top they will be tasty and quick meals for when the inspiration simply doesn't strike.  And it's always nice to have something to go with all the salady bits we are getting from the polytunnel.

They were on these two large pieces of white cardboard and I just can't bring myself to throw them away, they will come in useful for something.  A quick wipe over and they have been put into the cupboard, waiting for more inspiration to strike!!

The coupon I had was through doing the 'Asda Price Guarantee'.   I honestly thought the receipt that I checked would not have meant I qualified for a coupon but it did .... and for £6.13  I was amazed.  You get them if your Asda shop would have been cheaper elsewhere, and Asda guarantees to be at least 10% cheaper, if they are not you get the difference in the form of a coupon to spend next time you are in there.
Once I got home with my pizza shopping and the other things I bought while I was there, a total spend of around £30 I entered that coupon into the box on the website and guess what .....

.... I qualified for a coupon of £2.44.
Good stuff, every little helps ... or maybe that's another shop ... Lol    ;-)
Sue xx