Barcelona International Poetry Festival

By Stizzard

Barcelona is celebrating the world of poetry with a series of events and workshops that will last a whole week.

The Barcelona International Poetry Festival was first staged in 1985 and used to be an enjoyable evening. Now, it has grown from an evening to a full blown cultural week and features a full programme of entertainment including activities and readings dotted around the beautiful city of Barcelona and at the magnificent Palau de la Musica Catalana. Although most of the poems will be in Catalan or Spanish, it’s a great time to get acquainted an immerse yourself in the works of many poets.

This edition of the Barcelona Poetry Week embraces selected poets such as: Saul Williams, Mark Strand, Andrés Sánchez Robayna, Stefano Benni, Pere Gimferrer and Narcís Comadira. It is also a rather nice experience to listen to these poets cite their works in wonderful surroundings all over the Catalan capital.

When: Tuesday 8th May 2012 to Friday 17th May 2012
Where: Various locations around Barcelona and the Palau de la Musica Catalana
More information about the Barcelona Poetry Festival is available here. You’ll be able to see a complete list of participants along with venues and dates.

So, if poetry floats your boat and you’re in the wonderful Catalan city of Barcelona for a week, why not take in some culture and go to a few events.