Barburrito, MetroCentre

By Hellofreckles @tashajsteel
Barburrito has arrived in the North East, bringing mexican spices to Intu MetroCentre, Gateshead. I went along to see what all the fuss was about...
Burritos are the latest food 'trend', apparently more so than burgers now. (Don't worry Fat Hippo, that Candy Man will always be a firm favorite...) With that in mind, it makes perfect sense for the redevelopment of the Qube area within MetroCentre to include a burrito bar.  guess it's not something we typically go for in the North East and given the reasonable prices (we're talking £6 for a regular burrito) I'm sure it's something plenty locals will be queuing up to try.
So I went along, just ahead of their launch to see what all the fuss was about, and more importantly; have a go at making my own! I was shown the secrets behind wrapping a burrito and ensuring all that filling stays inside the tortilla is no mean feat and these guys can spin them round in seconds. Me though; not so quick, but I'll admit I'm pretty proud of my efforts and when it came to eating the finished article, I didn't make any mess! Surprising, since I'm that person who can spill anything.
I think burritos are so popular because you can really tailor them to what you like; if you want steak, have it, if you wanna go veggie, you can have extra mushrooms and roasted veg. If you want guacamole (and let's face it, yes you do) then go all out! Extra jalapenos, more cheese, skip the salad and the hottest sauce they offer - yup, you're the boss! Then for those of us who don't want a tortilla, you can get it served in a bowl, possibly the more forgiving option if you're considering taking a date to Barburrito? Either way, it's all made right there in front of you, exactly the way you ask for and y'know what, that's something I like!
Have you been to Barburrito before? Are you into the whole burrito thing, or are you more of a burger fan? Let me know!
Thanks Barburrito for the invite and for letting me make my own burrito, not questioning the amount of cheese, jalepenos and guacamole I added...mmm!