Yoga for the service industry.
Gentle movement to restore the body: Tuesdays, 12-1:30pm, starts January 9, 2018
Restorative Yoga & Massage to restore the spirit: The last Monday of every month, 1-3pm, starts January 29, 2018
As a bartender, I often experience the physical and emotional strain long shifts of service work can have on the body and the spirit. I am familiar with the throbbing from the bottom of my feet, the aching of my low back and the utter exhaustion from giving so much energy to so many people in one night.
As a yoga teacher, I know the healing power a consistent practice can have to restore the body from this type of work.
Barback Yoga is a gentle class specifically designed to support anyone working in professions with high physical demands and is accessible during times when most service workers are able to participate.
No prior yoga experience is necessary.
Barback Yoga includes two types of classes:
~A gentle weekly yoga class: focusing on stretching and
~A monthly restorative class that is all about relaxation: spend the entire class propped up in comfy reclined postures on the floor as you are guided through a meditation that will help move you out of your head and into deep rest. Massage therapists will offer hands-on-healing massage and aromatherapy, further helping you let go of tension in the body.
When: Tuesdays, 12-1:30pm, starts 1/9/18
Where: Delta Mind Body Center,
2014 10th Street, Sacramento, CA
How: Show up! Or pre-register to guarantee a spot
Option 1: $20 for drop-in
Option 2: $60 for a single month pass starting the 1st of each month.*
Each one-month pass includes:
*a $5 discount per class, (total of four).
*a guaranteed spot for each week.
*a free bonus class during any month with five weeks on the calendar.
*a $5 discount on any additional restorative class taken during the same month.
When: Last Monday of every month, 1-3pm, starts 1/29/18
Where: Delta Mind Body Center
How: Pre-registration is required
Cost: $50
Monthly pass holders of the weekly class program are offered a $5 discount for all restorative classes attended within the same month.
Cash and credit card are accepted.
E-mail for questions.