Barack Obama's Diary: Vanishing Jobs

Posted on the 01 May 2013 by Hughvw
Dear Diary: I am exasperated. So-called economists have been forecasting an increase of 150,000 jobs in April, but the  actual number is  only 119,000. I am a better economist than most economists, apart from the small but-perfectly-formed Paul Krugman, a fellow Nobel prizewinner. Spend, spend spend, he says, so I have. And this is the result. My aides blame it on the opening of the Bush  Library and I suspect they are correct. Who can look at Jeb Bush as a possible White House occupant and confidently go out and hire people?  Another source of my annoyance is the Saudis who claim they sent us a written warning about the Boston bombers.  So what? I can't read Arabic, so how does their letter  change anything? The FBI have arrested two more suspects in the Boston bombings and  I have  just put a call through to Eric The Withholder to  make sure that he is ready to Mirandize them if they start confessing stuff that  could embarrass us all.  But enough about me.