Barack Obama's Diary: Nearer, My Badgie, to Thee

Posted on the 20 March 2014 by Hughvw
Dear Diary: Vlad Putin is ignoring my sternest warnings again. His troops have taken over the Crimean Naval Base.  Joe Biden and  I have been playing Good Cop, Bad Cop with Putin. Joe  who is in Poland, accused him of naked aggression. But I went so far as to promise publicly that the USA will not  carry out any military action against him. Meanwhile Ukraine is  now withdrawing its troops and their families from Crimea.  The result of this is an increase in my own anxiety. Fortunately Michelle, our kids and Mrs Robinson are all traveling to China. So I can have an early night and withdraw Badgie, my comfort blanket, from under the Presidential pillow and rub his soothing satin edge against my cheek while I suck  on two fingers and relax. Good night Moon.... Goodnight stars.... num, num, num, zzzzzzzzzzz...