"That's a great analogy!" I cried. For the answer to complaints about the Website had just hit me like a thunderbolt: "Tickets! " I exclaimed. "Let there be tickets! We can sell tickets to people each day for $100 to gain entry to the site. That way we can gain a ton of extra revenue and reduce the hordes to a daily trickle." I pranced around the Oval Office dancing a little jig. "I'm a genius, a genius! Genius is my name! "
Valerie Jarrett entered and joined me in my victory dance. "Great idea Barry," she said. "But how are we going to sell the tickets?"
"With a website, dear Valerie, dear Valerie, with a Website dear Valerie. Website."
"But who'll build your website dear Barry, dear Barry?"
"Kathleen Sibelius, dear Valerie , dear Valerie, Kathleen Sibelius, dear Valerie. Dear Valerie, Kathleen.
" But she screwed up last time, dear Barry, dear Barry, she screwed up last time:"
"Who cares, dear Valerie, dear Valerie."
"Champagne for everyone!" I yelled. and popped open a bottle of Dom Perignon from my minibar, shook it and sprayed the contents around the room like Nascar winner. Michelle burst in and said: " What the hell are you doing, Barry? That stuff is more than $50 a bottle "
" I'm not as thunk as you may dink I am, Michelle," I smiled. "And the taxpayers are picking up the tab." But enough about me.