Barack Obama's Diary: Great Escape

Posted on the 06 July 2013 by Hughvw
Dear Diary:  John Kerry has been taking heat for not being at the Cabinet meeting on Egypt. Poor Lurch, he has yet to learn the finer points of life in the public eye. As a result the State Department had to resort to using a terminological inexactitude, saying he was at the meeting, but taking part by phone. When I indulge in a terminological inexactitude, it's far more cunning. For example, I needed a weekend to relax after my Africa journey and a taxing round of golf yesterday.  So I let it be known that I was I was headed to Camp David this morning and when I left I ensured that my iPhone and briefing papers were clearly visible. Of course, as soon as I got there I went straight to the nine-hole course with no pesky photographers to spoil the day. But enough about me.