Barack Obama's Diary: Gender Blender

Posted on the 22 August 2013 by Hughvw
Dear Diary: This has been a tumultuous day. I watched the Today show  while munching Rice Krispies, two eggs over-easy and wholewheat toast.  The lawyer for Bradley Manning, the Wikileaks whistleblower, announced on air that Manning wanted to live the rest of his life as a woman named Chelsea and referred to by the pronoun "She." This was a revelation to me, because a psychologist had told the court at her trial that she had "narcissistic tendencies". Dr Rink, my psychiatrist said a couple days ago that I showed symptoms  of NPD or Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The excitement! Does this mean that inside me there is a beautiful woman waiting to break out,  like one of those those monsters in Alien? What name should I choose?  Barbara" or "Barbie" would be very fetching and close to "Barack".  I can't wait to go shopping with Michelle  and Valerie for a  chic new wardrobe of elegant gowns. Maybe even Vlad Pootin will want to woo me instead of laughing at me. I wonder what shade of lipstick I should wear. "Oh, Vlad, Vlad, wherefore art thou Vlad" I will talk about it with Dr Rink. But meantime, enough about me.