Barack Obama's Diary:

Posted on the 09 February 2014 by Hughvw
Dear Diary: Valerie Jarrett says that Dr. Rink wants to raise his retainer. My medical treatment is paid for by the military, but if the vultures of the media  were  to discover that the cost of my psychiatric care  would buy a new MRAP (Mine Resistantvehicle) every week...well what chance then of me becoming Director General of the UN?
I have admit that the Lucky Charms breakfast cereal I have been experimenting with for the past couple weeks  have not been a noticeable improvement, so I have reverted to Froot Loops.  I had been hoping for some extra gusto to help me against Vladimir Pootin's regular and disparaging calls which are a form of psychological  warfare. He loves to patronize my relationships and disparage my abilities.  "How do you like my Olympics, Obamavich? he crowed this morning."Pretty impressive, huh? As the British say, Obamavich, you couldn't organize a piss-up in a brewery." True, but enough about me.