Barack Obama Picks Jordan Over Lebron During Prince Harry Interview

By Firstladyb


Prince Harry’s BBC radio interview with Barack Obama aired Wednesday morning, and Harry asked Obama some pretty cool questions.

Harry and Barack Obama started off the conversation on a serious note, discussing how the 44th President felt leaving office.

Obama began by praising former First Lady Michelle Obama, who was not sold on a life of politics in the beginning.

“She is a spectacular, funny, warm person. She’s not someone who was naturally inclined at politics.”

He continued, adding that he felt “a satisfying feeling that was mixed with all the work that was still undone.”

Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images Europe

Then the conversation got light, when Harry tested Obama’s pop culture knowledge.

Chris Rock or the Rock?, White House Down or Olympus Has Fallen? Boxers or briefs? Obama didn’t answer any of those questions, but he did answer others.

 Michael Jordan or LeBron James.. Obama replied Jordan, because he’s from Chicago of course.

Rachel or Monica from Friends.. Obama chose Rachel

Prince William or Prince Harry.. Obama said, “William “right now!” with them both breaking out in laughter.

Harry also asked a question about his fiance, Meghan Markle.

Suits or The Good Wife?” Prince Harry asked, referring to the USA drama Markle starred in for seven seasons. Of course Obama said Suits!

You can listen to the full interview HERE