Banned Books and Theology

Posted on the 03 October 2012 by Eastofmidnight

When did you last read a banned book?

It’s Banned Book Week, and since I’m reading a frequently banned book because of research that I’m working on, I’ve been thinking a lot about the power of both the written word and story.

So here’s the question…how many UU churches are talking about the theology of, and in, banned/banning books? Is your UU church having a “Banned Book” speak-out? How many UU churches have “Banned Book” Reading Clubs?

In all of the UU talk about the “free and responsible search for truth and meaning”, what are UU churches doing—in their community—to encourage  freedom for the banned books?

Freedom for the banned books is a social justice issue and if UU churches are looking for a way to get involved with their local community on a wide range of issues, fighting for the freedom of people to have access to banned books is a wonderful gateway into a myriad of social issues to work on.