Banana Coconut Bread

By Cathysjoy

Banana Coconut Bread
(recipe adapted & modify slightly from Cuisine Paradise)
3 large eggs
120g ripe bananas, mashed
3 Tbsp maple syrup
40g coconut oil
1 Tbsp rum
1/4 cup coconut flour
pinch of salt
1/4 cup chopped pecans
20g ground almonds

1. Mix eggs, maple syrup, coconut oil & rum in a medium mixing bowl.
2. Sift in coconut flour & salt. Mix till combined.
3. Stir in mashed bananas & pecans. Pour batter into prepared tin & topped with some bananas & pecans.
4. Bake in a preheated oven @ 170C for 35mins.
喜欢香蕉和椰子油的香味。山核桃和杏仁粒也增添了咬劲和喉感。健康又好吃! 朋友拍了这张照发给我说好吃!=)