Ban The Brunch

By Amy Havins @dallaswardrobe

This Sunday will be my very first Mother’s Day and to be completely honest, I cannot believe it. If you would have asked me two Mother’s Days ago (last year I was pregnant) that if in 2018 I would have a (now) 10 month old baby and be celebrating my very first Mother’s Day, I would have called you crazy.
Over the years brunch always seems like the ‘thing’ to do on Mother’s Day, but this year I am going to #banthebrunch and do what is for me a dream Mother’s Day: spend the day in bed with my little family. To some it might sound silly to want to just lay in bed all day and snuggle with your husband and (new) baby but to me it sounds like the perfect day, especially since this last week we got a new Allswell mattress and new Allswell bedding. Of course baby (and husband) cuddles are the best thing in the entire world but while relaxing on what I now refer to as a cloud (our Allswell mattress and bedding) it is that much better.
You guys, I am not kidding when I say that our new Allswell mattress and bedding is the best thing we have ever owned. As someone who has always been curious about ordering a mattress online (I can’t be the only one), I was unsure when our Allswell mattress arrived in a box and encased in an airtight bag. Watching our Allswell mattress come to life was literally the coolest thing, but it didn’t stop there because the moment I laid down on our Allswell mattress I knew I was in love. We have now been sleeping on our Supreme Queen Luxe Classic mattress for about a week now and we are forever customers. I have never in my entire life felt the way I feel when I slide into bed. I didn’t even bat an eye when our old mattress was being hauled away because I am so happy about this addition to our master bedroom.
If you cannot tell, I am a (new) fan of Allswell. I love the product and I love even more than this year for mother’s day they are banning brunch because they understand that as a mom relaxing in your Allswell bed and snuggling all day with your husband, kids and puppies is the dreamiest way to spend mother’s day.
I am so excited to spend my very first Mother’s Day getting all the snuggles from my little baby Ralph, as I know he is going to grow up in a blink of an eye and my days of laying in bed and getting all the baby kisses in the world are numbered.
Happiest Mother’s Day to all the moms out there. I really do hope you get to #Banthebrunch and enjoy your day relaxing in bed!

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This post was brought to you by Allswell. All opinions are my own.

images by sukilynn