Ban Grouse Shooting in England

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

Petition for British residents.

“Responsible department: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.  Intensive management of upland areas for the ‘sport’ of grouse shooting has led to the near-extinction of the protected Hen Harrier in England, as well as increased risk of flooding, discolouration of drinking water, degradation of peatbogs and impacts on other wildlife (Red Grouse Photo:  CORBIS).”


GR:  Hunting is not a human right to be protected until all of the desired species are gone.  Sport hunting should be banned completely.  More and more species’ populations are falling to dangerous levels.  Protection, not preying, is what is needed now.  Hunters need to take up photograph, and if that isn’t violent enough, they can try boxing or football.