Title: Ballistic (Icarus Series, Book 2)Author: Aria MichaelsGenre: YA Dystopian/Apoc-ficHosted by: Lady Amber's Reviews & PR
When Liv finds out her brother and the other refugees are being held captive at Camp Seco, she will risk everything to get him back. As the group embarks upon a dangerous rescue mission, a rival band of survivors threatens their safety and a new storm gathers overhead. The virus has spread and the infected are being drawn together. What's worse, the beast that lurks inside of Liv is growing stronger and more difficult to control. But Liv has a promise to keep--and her little brother is running out of time.
Will Liv be able to harness her strength to save her brother and the hundreds of other innocents beyond the walls of Camp Seco, or will she let the monster out and put them all at risk?
For more information about Aria Michaels and the Icarus Series, be sure to check out her website at www.ariamichaels.com
"You are never more than one choice away from a different future." --Aria Michaels
Author Links: Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/AriaMichaels.FictionAmazon Author Central: http://amzn.to/1O2NYCgTwitter: https://twitter.com/AriaMichaelsYA or @AriaMichaelsYAWebsite: www.ariamichaels.comGoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8573796.Aria_Michaels
Buy Links: Killshot (Icarus Series, Book One)Amazon: http://amzn.to/1O2QfgMAudible: http://mybook.to/KillshotAudible
Before the Sky Fell (An Icarus Series Novella)- Amazon: http://amzn.to/1sZzVEhAudible: myBook.to/BTSFAudible
Ballistic (Icarus Series, Book Two)Amazon: http://amzn.to/1UfA6kn
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