Ballin' On A Budget! My Rockstar Look!

By Kena @campchic

I guess when you lose weight you want to take pictures, lots of pictures. Once your done taking your loads of pictures you want to share them, blog about them or at least that's what you do when you're a Fashion Blogger! This week my wonderful Readers are being inundated with the pictures of what I've been rocking....I hope you all don't mind. I'm not a professional model nor do I have a "secret" relationship with a professional photographer. What you are seeing below is my version of an awkward model pose along with my sad attempt of an urban location. As my Sissy always says "it is what it is. Now back to my outfit! I don't believe in buying anything if it's full price. I shop discount designer stores, vintage stores, and on a occasion flea markets. My outfit might look like it costed a small fortune but it actually cost under a $100.  My red MIU MIU shoes are the basis for everything I'm wearing below it's all about the pop of color. Oh and Ballin' on a Budget!

Kill City Tunic - $22.50

Kill City Studded Jeans - $18.00

Vintage Red Miu Miu Shoes - $50.00

Total = $90.50 for my entire outfit.