Hello readers and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! I have been waiting all week to say that. Not that this week was particularly stressful but I totally need a weekend to detox and get my life back in order. Traveling is one of my favorite things to do but it really throws you out of your routine, and I.love.routines. I will be taking lots of bloggers pictures this weekend (which I always love doing) and then relaxing (most likely editing) at night. I guess that is one of the beauties and downfalls of this “full-time, freelance, consulting, photographer, I do what I can to make money blogging life,” it never stops. I find the hardest thing is trying to juggle work life, home life, and personal life. I am constantly trying to update social media, thinking about my blog, or worrying about a post. This year I am working on many things but balance is definitely one of them.
Balance: offset or compare the value of (one thing) with another. I have NEVER been good at comparing or offsetting the value of one thing with another. I have a very obsessive personality so when I have a thought in my mind, I can’t let it go. The act of balance is something I have been working on my entire life. Maybe, just maybe, 2014 is the year I finally learn it! Although, highly unlikely as I have been obsessing over getting a new lens for the past two weeks. I mean, day and night, I am looking them up to figure out which one I want, comparing prices, and looking at sample pictures. Call me crazy!
Okay, so this has been a long tangent about things you probably didn’t come to this blog to read but I do have a matter to discuss at hand. I, along with my gal pals, will be hosting a fun event at Blushington Make-up on January 22nd and I would love for all of my Dallas readers to attend. Here is the plan; go ahead and mark your calendars now and rsvp to the e-mail above! This way you know you have something fun to fill your Wed. evening. And to be honest, I am not even sure there are any good reality show on TV Wed. evening so you really don’t have an excuse
Be sure not to miss my XNY watch giveaway! Ends January 15th! Entering is super easy!