Baladiya Back to Rip Down Our Trees and Shrubs

By Umkhaloodie

Yesterday, I noticed the Baladiya here pulling down trees, ripping out shrubs, what is your problem?
One man had a pretty little hedge of bushes- ok, perhaps it wasn’t his land but, it wasn’t obstructing my view from driving and it looked like lavender a) nice color and b)smells lovely – or at least it did before they ripped it out.
I noticed they had one of those machines with them that you see those ‘deforestation experts’ use. I have no idea what they are called, I’m going to go for ‘wood shredder’.
Regardless of how many trees and shrubs we have here, I know for certain my kids get sick with the dust anyway, and I seriously doubt a few trees will make a bit of difference – can’t they plant evergreens without flowers? Obviously planting flowers will increase the pollen and therefore increase our need for antihistamines but the rest of the world don’t rip out all their greenery just to stop people from getting an allergy.
Leave our shrubs alone, we like them!