Baking With Spirit: The December Challenge

By Cakeoftheweek @cakeoftheweek

Well, folks, it's December. Christmas is nearly upon us! Have you done your Christmas shopping yet? Have you even entertained the idea?
Never mind. Why not take the stress of the idea of Christmas shopping away by doing a little baking, perhaps with something you can sip along the way?
You'd like that? Great. This month's chosen tipple is eggnog, so you can pour yourself a glass and then see what inspiration comes to mind. Last year I saw numerous recipes that used it, so you shouldn't struggle to find inspiration on the internet. If you're too lazy to do a quick google (I know, it can also be stressful, and you don't even have your eggnog yet), here's a selection of things from my favourites folder:

See also: this.
Ok, so now you have your inspiration. I know eggnog is readily available in the US, but I've not seen it here in the UK so you might just have to make your own. Here's a recipe I used last year that worked really well.
All that's left now are the rules:
  1. Bake or cook something using eggnog
  2. Write a post about it on your blog, link back to Cake Of The Week mention Baking With Spirit.
  3. Email the link to me at and include your name, your blog and the photo you want me to use in the round-up. If you tweet me @CakeOfTheWeek and/or use #bakingwithspirit I will endeavour to retweet!
  4. The deadline is midnight on the 28th December.
Have fun!