Hello everyone! How often do you use baking soda in your every day life? Or maybe it’s something that you always have around the house but you really have no idea what it is ever used for? Well, I’m here to tell you all about it! You will definitely be amazed at all the different uses you didn’t know it had! After reading this, I’m sure you’ll be intrigued enough to try out some of these awesome ideas with baking soda for yourself!
I’m sure we all know and think of baking soda just as a part of the bread making process. Or maybe if you’ve worked in restaurants like I have, you associate it as almost a fire extinguisher. Like if something catches fire on the stove or grill, if you pour baking soda on it, puts the fire out. Or even the toothpaste commercials when people talk about that they or their loved ones used baking soda for toothpaste. But that’s not all this wonderful product can do! Did you know baking soda can be used in bath and body products as well? It can be used in bath bombs recipes and when used as a hair rinse, it will make your hair soft and silky. And it gets even better! When you use baking soda to add a little something extra to your bath time, it helps to soften the skin and give it a lovely silky feeling! Even the cosmetic industry uses baking soda! Cleaning formulas and cosmetic formulations use it to help lift dirt and remove oils.
You can even make your very own baking soda laundry detergents and dish soaps when you combine it with citric acid and soap! There are many other cleaning products that use baking soda as well. Cloth diapers can be cleaned with a mixture of baking soda and water. It can remove grease stains and oils, clean cars, corroded batteries, ovens, microwaves, vinyl shower curtains, and it can even remove marks on walls. Baking soda also has deodorizing qualities! It can be used as a replacement for deodorant, deodorize pet bedding, cars, closets, refrigerators, shoes, cutting boards, dishwashers, garbage disposals, trash cans and even stuffed animals just to name a few.
There are many medicinal benefits to baking soda as well! It can help slow kidney failure and there is a theory that it can be used to fight cancer. It is also used to treat indigestion and heartburn, it can also be used when removing splinters and for allergic reactions to poison ivy, sumac, and oak. For oral health, baking soda is used as an ingredient in toothpastes to help remove plaque from the teeth. Soaking your feet in baking soda can treat foot fungus and odors. Athletes also can use baking soda to keep them from getting tired during a game and it helps to enhance their performance.
Those are just a few of the many ways to use baking soda! Aren’t you just dying to try some of them out now? One of my favorite and most interesting uses to me though, is a recipe we came across on Pinterest. For getting scuff marks off of vinyl and suede shoes. Using baking soda in the recipe! Did you know that baking soda can also be used to help keep septic systems clean? Hold on though, if you are need of the actual product itself, we have it right here at Nature’s Garden! Just type “baking soda” into the search bar on our site and it will take you right to it! These ideas are something you just can’t pass up! Check out some of our free recipes and classes too and our baking soda class! And keep watching for more Enlightened by Layla!