Baked Mozzarella by Trainer Kjirsten

By Marensmorsels @marentweets

MaMo has moved from to!!! Don’t forget to change your readers!

Hey guys! I made a great dinner inspired by my blog friend Trainer Kjirsten from Balanced Healthy Life. She is too sweet. She read about my troubles at lunch and recommended some baked mozzarella and marinara sauce. And let me tell you, it totally boosted my mood.


That plate is pure perfection! I try to follow the runners diet by eating 50% of my calories from carbs (more good carbs than bad of course) and 25% from both protein and fat.

I steamed some broccoli then threw 1/4 cup marinara sauce over it.

While my broccoli steamed I baked some string cheese.

I used some Newman’s Own organic. I covered the mozzarella with 1/4 cup traditional herb.

I didn’t need to bake it too long, I’d say maybe 5 minutes at 350…

Leftover focaccia bread from the weekend. Perfect for getting all the sauce.

I added 3 meatless meatballs at the last minute, and…

4 butterscotch chips for dessert. Yum.

How’d my meal stack up?

  • 145 calories for the focaccia bread
  • 25 calories for the broccoli
  • 70 calories of marinara sauce
  • 160 calories of mozzarella
  • and 90 calories for the meatless meatballs

490 calories total!

I went a little over today. My goal is 1510 and I totaled 1641. I was planning on getting in a run when I planned my dinner and it didn’t happen. I’ve felt too crappy all day. I went out at 4:30 to meet Dorothy for our usual run but she was a no-show and it was really blustery out. Weather combined with how I’ve been feeling just didn’t add up to working out… I’ll hopefully feel better tomorrow and get in a good run then.


I did do some upper body strength training before my failed run. I did each exercise with continuous slow and controlled reps for 1 minute each.

  • 1 minute of overhead press
  • 1 minute bicep curls
  • 1 minute tricep extension right
  • 1 minute tricep extension left
  • 1 minute bent over rows
  • 1 minute front raises
  • 1 minute reverse bridge dips
  • 1 minute girly push-ups
  • 1 minute high side plank right
  • 1 minute high side plank left