Baked Eggs with Shaved Asparagus and Feta Cheese

By Krimkus

Last week we were cooking up recipes for Cinco de Mayo, and this week is all about Mother's Day.

Brunch is a fun plan when it comes to celebrating mom, and egg dishes are a must have if you ask me.

We'll be out of town for Mother's day, so my kids are off the hook. No brunch for me unless Mr. Mike makes it, and that's not likely.

This is Jason and Lauren providing moral support when I ran my first 5k. They joined in to cheer me on to the end.

As a mom, I couldn't ask for more!

Grandma Karen is my mother. She's my strength - there for all my ups and downs, failures and successes. I couldn't have asked for a more loving mother.

And while I'll miss my mom's big day, you can bet I'll be sure to bring her something delightful.

If your plans for mom include treating her to brunch, then these baked eggs would make an elegant addition to your table.

Asparagus is in season, and I don't know one mom who would turn down those lovely green stalks. Whether asparagus is steamed, roasted or sauteed, it's the perfect compliment to eggs.

I like this egg recipe because children (with a little help from Dad) can easily join in the cooking fun.

It's as simple as cracking eggs into a ramekin, chopping onion into bits, peeling asparagus with a vegetable peeler, then popping the eggs into the oven to bake.

Doesn't this make a lovely presentation?

If mom isn't a fan of asparagus, you could easily swap it for zucchini, or even seeded and chopped tomatoes.

If you're looking for more healthy Mother's Day recipes, come visit again on Thursday. I've had a ton of fun collecting recipes for mom that I think you'll like.