Baked Chocolate Mooncakes

Posted on the 27 August 2014 by Jeannietay @JeannieTay

This is a new trend started among the bloggers for this year's mooncakes baking and I can't help joining in as I love the look of it. I adapted the recipe from Anncoo's but there are many whom you can refer to, like here, here and here

115g plain flour
15g cocoa powder
85g special mooncake syrup
25g cooking oil or corn oil
1/2 tsp alkaline water

360g white lotus paste filling or as needed mixed with a handful of watermelon seeds

Mix syrup, oil and alkaline water in a mixing bowl, stir to combine.
Add in flour and cocoa powder, mix and combine to a soft dough. Set aside to rest for 30mins or more.
Scale chocolate dough at 20g each and lotus paste filling at 30g each, and roll into balls (for mini mooncakes moulds).
Flatten the chocolate dough ball, put a lotus paste filling at the centre and wrap the dough round the paste and roll into a ball. Place the dough into a mooncake mould. Press firmly, dislodge imprinted mooncake from mould.
Bake at a pre-heated oven at 160c for 10mins, remove mooncakes from oven and set aside to cool for at least 15mins.
Return mooncakes into oven and bake at preheated oven at 160c for 15mins.
Store in air-tight container at room temperature. Best to enjoy the next day when mooncakes has absorbed some of the oil from the lotus paste.

Below are some steps of how it is done:-

I am submitting this post to
Best Recipes For Everyone August Event : Mooncakes hosted byXuanHom's Mom Kitchen Diary .