Baked Arctic Char + Garbanzo Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes

By Nookandsea @KristinaMGulino

Eating healthy is not my thing, naturally. Let’s face it – if given the chance to scarf Taco Bell or a plate of seasoned veggies and lean meat, I’d choose Taco Bell every time (don’t judge). As I’ve grown older, it’s interesting to see how my tastes have changed; I despised chocolate as a kid, but now eat double chocolate gelato like it’s nobody’s business. Two years ago, I started getting into pepper and tomatoes (but unfortunately, don’t think I’ll ever grow into pickles or mustard – barf).

Fish had been one of those unexpected adjustments. It was slimy. Smelled funny. So why would I want to eat it? My first experience with fish was salmon, and while it took a little getting used to, it’s now one of my favorite dishes (especially blackened….but isn’t everything better that way?) :) This week I decided to bake some arctic char fillets from Trader Joe’s. Similar to salmon or trout in taste, arctic char is an affordable way to eat fish, and this recipe was my attempt at a simple, healthy and flavorful dinner (that wasn’t Taco Bell).

First, I defrosted the fish and set it in a foil-lined baking tray with oil, minced garlic, salt and pepper, making sure to spread a little over the tops. I eyeballed the amounts (real cooks don’t measure, right?) and actually ended up scooping out a little garlic before it baked (way to much – oh well)!

Once the seasonings were on, I sealed the foil, set the package in a bowl and let it refrigerate for 30 minutes for the ingredients to marinate and mold. Next, I cut up some lemon slices, plucked a few twigs of rosemary from our potted garden and splayed them throughout the foil. Wrapping it up again, I set the oven to 400 degrees and let it bake for 14 minutes – flipping once at the end, then baking 3 minutes more. The “mashed potato” side was actually made from a can of garbanzo beans and fresh cauliflower cooked stove top, blended with a hand mixer and seasoned with salt and pepper to taste. Kind of like a drier version of hummus – and pretty delish!! Thanks to the hubby for that one :)

Have you ever made a fish dish? What is your favorite? Happy Wednesday!