Bahu Fort and Temple

By Jaisonvincent @globlvisiontour
In-spite of this there are assorted colorful temples, which reflect the culture of Jammu, adds allure for the visitor. The Bahu Fort,
Maa-Kali Temple gives an overview of the affluent accomplished of the region and on the other hand there are cave’s that have been accustomed to bottle the age-old art, cultures and traditions.
Acknowledged as one of the oldest forts in Jammu, Bahu Fort has time after time been a sorce of allure for an amount of tourists. The view of the Himalayan Ranges and the adorable Tawi River accommodate absolute accomplishments to the fort. Believed to be 3000 years old, the fort was built by Raja Bahu Lochan.
Bahu Fort has an admirable story behind its construction. Once, Bahu Lochan went hunting forth with his brother Jambu Lochan, and got the opportunity to see a pleasant sight of a tiger and goat drinking water together from the Tawi River. Surprisingly the tiger had no intentions to advance the dupe at all. The sight absolutely appealed the Lochan brothers and they decided to build the Capital for their commonwealth at that actual place. They believed that a place so heavenly, where animals didn’t harm each other, will absolutely inspire people to stay friendly and peacefully with anniversary other. Since then, the Fort has been refurbished amount of times by its succeeding rulers.
As one enters Bahu Fort, one sees the admirable access gates with superb work on them. It has numerous of octagonal towers, arches and pillars with a most of carvings on them depicting admirable flora. A cone-shaped structure with thick walls, on the access is to withstand any gun attacks. Bahu Fort has an underground chamber that was acclimated as a prison with a secret opening, advantageous during emergency escapes. The Fort houses an age-old Mahakali Goddess temple, lovingly accepted as ‘Bawe Wali Mata Temple’. Number of devotees visits this temple every year. One will witness a water reservoir at the larboard access of the Fort, which is normally used by devotees to bath afore paying a visit to the temple.

There are numerous things that one can enjoy here picnicking with their family in the nearby royal gardens of the Fort, known as ‘Bagh-e-Bahu’ is enjoyed most by the visitors. The green lush garden trees, colorful array of flora, fountains and a manmade lake which boost the beauty of this garden. One can as well enjoy boating at the lake or simply relax in the lush green space and apart from these the beautiful garden also offers scintillating views of the Jammu City. Absolutely the magnificent place is retreat for history buffs, religious travelers and as well as nature lovers.
A festival held as ‘Bahu Mela’ is organized twice a year during Navratras. This is the time if Bahu Fort and the temple are abundantly decorated, admirable aartis are performed, and one can see amount of stalls about the Fort affairs sweets and knick-knacks. Bahu Fort can be visited any time of the year. However, Tuesdays and Sundays are considered as special days for worshipping the Bawe Wali Mata in the Mahakali Temple
How to Get Here
By Air- Jammu Airport is only 9 Km from this place and is the closest airport to this stunning fort and temple.
By Rail- Jammu Tawi Railway Station is only 4 km away from this place.
By Road- This Bahu Fort and Temple is connected with all the spots of the Jammu city. Regular transport is available from all the connecting points. Minibuses and Auto rickshaws can take one right unto the fort on payment of nominal fare.