Badam kheer(Sweetened Milk with Whole Almonds)

By Harini

Happy Ayudha poojai/Vijaya dasami/Dussuera to all my dear readers/blogger buddies :)Just cant believe  navrathri is already over.10 days passed in the blink of an eye.Hope all those who celebrated had a joyous festive time,peaceful and satisfying pooja(worshiping) and of course loads loads of sweets and sundal :). Today is the 10th day which is celebrated all over the country as Vijya dasami(Tamil nadu) and dussera(West bengal and few other places). This day is considered as a day of victory.People start learning any form of art like dance,music etc on this day and kids begin learning on this day.Also it is customary that everyone in the house read/study at least for 5 minutes on this day.Today even I am posting a dessert/sweet recipe here hoping to make this blog large and consistent :). Now coming to today's recipe badam kheer is a festival special drink famous all over India.It is very simple to make and hardly takes 20 minutes.It can be made ahead and refrigerated,so a prefect drink for parties/special occasions.Here you go with he recipe
Badam kheer recipe
Star ingredients:Milk and whole almonds
Time:20 minutes
500ml milk
10 whole almonds
5-6 cashews
1/4 cup sugar
3-4 cardamoms
Assorted nuts(almonds,pistachios,sarai paruppu) for garnishing
Few strands of saffron
1.Soak almonds in warm water/milk for 30 minutes and peel the skin
2.Grind the almonds along with cashews,sugar and cardamom.
3.Dry roast the assorted nuts and make a coarse mixture.
3.Take the milk in a heavy bottomed vessel and bring to a boil.Lower the flame and add the ground paste to the milk and stir well.Bring it to another boil and remove from flame.
4.Add the assorted nuts and saffron.Serve hot/cold.
1.You can add 1/2 teaspoons of sweetened condensed milk to get a more creamy version.If using condensed milk reduce sugar according to taste.
2.Cashews are optional,they help in smooth grinding of almonds
3.Sometimes I skip peeling the almonds and that version is tastier too with a nice texture.