Bad Moon Bell Bottoms

By Jess_kemp @JessicaJKemp
It's been quite an exciting week for me so far, I'm back in London now so have been really busy shopping and casually meandering around doing mah thanggg. I was shopping in Carnaby on Monday and i've always loved Monki but I went in the other day and literally fell in love with every product. I love their unusual cuts and fabrics, they need to open more stores! I'm sooo skint at the moment so only allowed myself to buy this cute yellow sweater and a cheeky earring! Other than shopping, I was on shoot with Warehouse on Monday/Tuesday which was really fun, i'll be doing a detailed post on that towards the end of the week showing you the end shots. 
I'm a massive fan of Thriftette and when they kindly sent me these bell bottoms I fell in love, I definitely think these could make it on the short list for festival outfits this summer! I can't wait to get on my craziest tassley ensembles and drink loads of cider yay! 
You know when you take loads of photos and hate your face in every single one, yeaaaaah. Blogger problems! Anyway I can't really dye my hair anymore otherwise i'll have none left so kinda hating on life right now, it's all rooty and dead and horrible, eughhh so disgusting.

Lace bell bottoms - c/o Thriftette //  Leather Jacket - c/o Warehouse  //  Bag - c/o Warehouse // Shoes - Jeffrey Campbell -£120ish via Karmaloop // Sweater - Monki £20 // Earring - Monki £6 // Tube skirt - H&M - £4
Do you guys love the lace bell bottoms as much as me? What will you be wearing to festivals this summer?
Cosmo mag are running their blog awards at the moment and by one month I qualify in the category of 'Best new fashion blog' YAY. So, if you like my blog it would make me a very very happy girrrrrly if you could please nominate me in this category. You can nominate here and it literally takes 2 seconds. THANKYOUUU!!
I'm going out for some drinks,Byeeee xxx