Back, with Chickpea Minestrone with Arugula and Cashew Crema

By Tofuparty @KristlTofuParty

I know I disappeared for a very long time. And I even had the courage to do this in the middle of VeganMoFo.

But I had two very good reasons:

First, the daughter got herself a boyfriend and is never at home anymore. So now I only have to cook for myself. That means throwing some food in a pot, put on a heater, eat! I’m now planning to change this kind of behavior and really start to cook and bake again.

Second, and this is actually the most important reason, and the best one too. Me and some friends started a Belgian Vegan Organisation. This took a lot of my time. If you wanna know more about it: you can check our FB page 

Chickpea minestrone with Arugula and Cashew Crema

For the Cashew Crema I used the recipe from But I could never go Vegan!