Back to Square One – Possible Stress Fracture… Round 2.

By Erynecarter06

I wish this post wasn’t even being written, but it is. And if you’ve been reading the blog for awhile, you know all about my foot injury, which happened a year ago. If you don’t know, you can read the variety of posts here:

  1. Sweating Pink – The initial diagnosis and injury (Metatarsalgia)

2. Plans, Diagnosis and Patience – Learning about a potential stress fracture

3. A Diagnosis…. finally! – Navicular stress fracture

4. Reclaiming my Motivation – Coming to terms with my injury

5. Honestly… – Why I decided to seek a second opinion

After a year of treatments, doctors, various diagnoses and zero relief, I found myself back at my orthopedics office this morning. This time with a new doctor in the practice. I made this appointment because as we were running through the Madrid airport back in July to catch our return flight to the States, I felt a pop in my left foot, right where I’ve been having all of the trouble, and immediate pain. The pain lasted for 2 days before I called my doctor’s office. They were unable to get me in, but told me to put my boot back on and take it easy.

Here we are about 5 weeks later. The pain subsided a little bit (or I just got used to it), but I knew the fact that I was still having this much pain and so many issues nearly a year later were not normal.

The doctor and his PA put my foot through a variety of tests (hop test, flexibility, walking on my toes, etc.) along with x-rays. All with varying degrees of pain. And the pain seemed to be all on the left outer part of my foot (below my pinky toe and to the side) and all across the base of my toes on the top of my foot. I had been diagnosed with synovitis in my 2nd metatarsal, and that diagnosis still stands, but they seem to think that it a completely separate issue.

After tests and discussing everything from the last year, and not seeing anything obvious on my x-rays, he decided to order another MRI…. and spend some more time in a boot. Yes my friends, the boot is back. At least this one is shorter, and not as bulky.

His thoughts?

More than likely the pop I felt was a stress fracture or reaction, and even though the pain is not localized now, but was right after it happened, it appears the pain is radiating. He also thinks that based on what I explained for symptoms from last year, I could have had a stress reaction or fracture in the same part of my foot, but for whatever reason, the bone edema was showing up elsewhere (could have been a possible reaction there too, but it’s hard to say since I didn’t have pain there).

I wish I could say I’m optimistic. I’ve had so many diagnoses in the last year that I don’t know what to think anymore. Part of me feels like I’m over-reacting and I should just suck it up and deal with it. Tell myself I just need to live with it. But the other part of me believes there is something wrong. I’m a hypochondriac. This is a known fact But I also feel like I shouldn’t be in pain all the time. It’s keeping me from doing a lot of things I love.  I’m just hoping that this time, I can get a firm diagnosis and a strict treatment plan. If it is a stress fracture/reaction, hopefully it will heal fast. I don’t think I could mentally handle another 3 months in a boot with feeling better.

What’s different this time?

I’m refusing to let it keep me down. Last year, I totally let it get the best of me. I didn’t want to move. I ate whatever I wanted. I sat around and moped. But this time, I’m still determined to keep moving. My good friend is a personal trainer, and I start training with her tomorrow night. She knows about my injury, and we’re going to work around it. I’ll go to the gym, and use the bike. I’ll do upper body and core. I’ll do my best to keep myself focused and know this is short-term. And hopefully the last time. I also know getting some weight off will drastically help my feet and joints feel a lot better. And hopefully alleviate some of the other foot issues.

So, here we go. Operation Possible Stress Fracture… round 2.

Have you ever dealt with a prolonged injury?