Back To School: The Ultimate Guide to Healthy School Lunches and Snacks

By Grayson Hayes @cavemandietblog

The Ultimate Guide to Back To School Lunches

One food choice can alter your entire day. Imagine choosing a food for breakfast that, unbeknownst to you, causes bloating, allergies, or other sort of discomfort that you simply have taken for granted. Now, imagine making a good food choice on that very hour of the day when things are sluggish and slow. Doesn’t your day get a better outlook? This guide was designed to help you do just that.  Sometimes it is not time or money that we need to make better choices; all we need are ideas. These ideas that we provide here are taken from veritable sources who know what they say about food and how it affects the body. Check out the choices that are presented here for children, teens and adults. You will love using this as your go-to source for better information.  The best part? It is also Paleo-friendly!

What is this Ultimate Guide?

The goal of this guide is to provide parents and caregivers with the resources and opportunity to experience the healthy eating in such a simple way that it can be shared with others. Children are excellent candidates for Paleo and healthy eating in general, particularly because the paleo diet chides them away from common allergens. Similarly, people who may be at your care could also benefit from the ideas and recipes contained herein, which feature lunches and snacks that will not make them feel sick or weary. Most importantly, Paleo foods are known to not spike blood sugar or cause hypertension.

We’ve organized these resources into the following categories:

Chapter I: Eating Schedule Options

Chapter II: Menu Planning Basics

Chapter III: Brain Foods for Children

Chapter IV: Adding Super Foods to Your Diet

Chapter V: How to Get Children Involved in Meal Planning

Chapter VI: Learning Through Cooking

Chapter VII: Instilling Good Eating Habits in Children

Chapter VIII: Healthy Back to School Recipes!

Without further ado; let’s jump right into it!

Chapter I: Eating Schedule Options

Getting around your daily life to let food in…safely.
These resources can help you learn new ways to re-establish new eating habits in your family. With some time ahead to prepare, you may be able to ensure proper nutrition if you stick to a schedule that is easy and effective.

1. – How to plan around our schedules to ensure proper nutrition

2. Tips on how to feed teens and children

3. Sample pre-planned menu options for kids

4. Dairy Council of California Meal Scheduling for Families

5. Web MD guides for feeding schedules.

6.  Interactive meal scheduling guide.

7. How to get toddlers on eating schedules

Chapter II: Menu Planning Basics: When “sit and eat” is not the only option

These are resources to plan ahead. It is possible to eat healthier and stick to a plan if such plan is highly achievable and easy to follow. Just click away and see how it works. How to Meal Plan 101  Fitness Pal’s guide to daily food planning Saving time in the kitchen! Meal Planning on a budget! Cooking Light Magazine tips to successful planning Planning Paleo Sample Paleo menus Tips to create meals and freeze them for the entire week

Chapter III: Brain Foods for Children

Not all foods are the same, and children need as much nutrition as they can get. Also do not forget: You are what you eat. What you eat can help you become brighter, too! WebMd’s top ten most admirable foods. Best foods by Prevention Magazine  Foods recommended by Parenting Magazine The Brain Balance Centers’ favorite food for kids list. Eating Well Magazine free-access portal to the best brain foods Brain booster foods for kids from the “What to Expect” series!

Chapter IV: Adding Super Foods to your diet

You would be surprised how just a few food choices can help make a huge difference from a good diet to a great one. From leafy greens to power-packed almonds, these foods will add youth, strength and energy to your day. Web MD’s list of secrets of adding super foods in! Which super foods to add, and when? The superfood cheat sheet. Superfoods on a budget! Greens for smoothies. 45 super foods we all should eat.

Chapter V:  How to get children involved in meaningful meal planning

It is not just the parents’ job to ensure the proper nutrition of the family. Children can also learn, from an early age, how to make themselves responsible for their own food and eating choices.  This generation is very sensitive and highly adaptive. Work around that and enjoy life. Making meal planning into a partnership effort Easy ways to involve kids in meal planning Making connections at the dinner table Importance of quality time Involving the entire family -Food for all Healthy involvement with kids.

Chapter VI:  Learning through cooking-

Making academics out of everyday things. Tons of new things can be learned in the kitchen, from measuring, to estimating, to counting, and even differentiation, categorizing and organizing. Do not miss out on this great opportunity to spend time with your children, and teach them lots of stuff in the process. Measuring, math and tons of other lessons to learn from cooking. How cooking helps children learn. Academic learning through cooking. Learning Math through cooking. Learning cultures through cooking. – Other activities to do while cooking More learning through cooking

Chapter VII:  Instilling good eating habits in kids-

What makes teenagers eat the way that they do? How can they think differently about their nutrition? These links will help you get there, and then some. Have your teenager take a look. It is worth it! Understanding what influences the diets of teens. Eating with teens. How parents influence dietary behaviors Early eating habit formation The vegetarian alternative – Family meals and the influence in teens. – Let’s move for teens!

Chapter VIII:  Healthy Back to School Recipes!

Start off right with a healthy body and a healthy mind. Breakfasts lunches and snacks are not just to keep feeling full. Use food to help your day get better and brighter. One good food choice makes all the difference.

These recipes are a composite of collections from Paleo practitioners that have conducted intense research and tests on which foods work best together. Try these recipes and see for yourself how you can enjoy this lifestyle as well.,,20416795,00.html 15 good ones from Eating well list of awesome foods. Paleo back to school! A week of Paleo school lunches. Lunch inspirations from Paleo planning. Organic and delicious lunches. Kid Paleo lunches! 17 Snack ideas to get them through the day.


Helpful recipes, healthy food and quality meals are simple and delicious. Food can be enjoyed without fillers, processing, or preservatives. Clean eating is easier than ever before. We hope you can use these ideas with your family so that they can also learn about the premise of eating well.