Back to School Stickers

By Thehousethatlarsbuilt @houselarsbuilt

Apparently it's that time of year. SHUDDER. Though I refuse to acknowledge anything besides spring and summer, my friends with kids on Facebook are telling me that it's back-to-school time. It's also about time that Michele Brummer-Everett came back with one of her awesome projects. Remember the St. Patrick's popper and Oscar ribbon pins? She's the best. She was showing me some of her work last week and I practically begged her to do something for Lars. She might be the most gracious person I know (and I might be the most shameless--our friendship works well) and kindly obliged. She came up with these little scholastic illustrations that you can print off and use as stickers. Aren't they adorable? 
Download the illustrations here.
Also, Michele has a brand new website and it's so so so beautiful. I mean look at that cover image! Plus, she does adorable textile design. Just check out the whole site, would ya? 
project by Michelle Brummer-Everett photography by Daniel Everett