Back to School Nerves

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

A child’s first day at school is a huge step towards their independence. Although your child might not understand what they are going through, they are bound to feel all kinds of emotions beforehand, on the day itself and afterwards.

Your child is not the only person who will have deep feelings about the change; you will likely be experiencing all kinds of emotions about this momentous day for your family. A few tips will help ease the path.

Be prepared

The idea of entering a new world called ‘school’ where mom and dad won’t be present all day and where there will be loads of new faces as well as correct ways of behaving may be daunting for your child.

The first day at school is a big hurdle but it can be made easier through a little bit of preparation. If your child’s new school has an open day, go along together to visit the building and playground and hopefully meet the teacher. At least take your child along the route to school so that the first day already feels familiar.

Read stories about first days at school, and use the opportunity to chat to your child about their thoughts on the big day. Keep it light and fun and don’t force anything as this will make them feel anxious.

Look forward

Whenever you talk about your child starting school, do so with enthusiasm. This will help them feel excited and get them to anticipate changes like eating school dinners and wearing a uniform if they have to.

When you go shopping for supplies and kit, get your child involved if they are interested by letting them chip in about the preferred color of their lunchbox or what they will carry their crayons in. Of course you will make the final decisions though!

Naturally you will be feeling some sadness about your child starting school. It is a new phase of their life and one which probably feels as though it has come round incredibly quickly. Try not to let these feelings show when you talk about school.

You need care too

Allow yourself to have a cry about your child starting school in private if it will make you feel better. It is natural for you to be feeling deep sentiments about this change as you see your little girl or boy growing up.

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