Back to School!

By Newsanchormom

I am excited to say, tomorrow is the first day of school at my house! I hope my excitement rubs off on my kids! I really wanted to do more teaching with the kids this summer, but it just never happened. They are ready to learn! I hope my 2nd grader loves it. First grade was so wonderful! If your child is nervous about the first day of school, here are some things to keep in mind:
Dr. Roni Leiderman, Dean Mailan Segal Institute for Childhood Studies at Nova Southeastern University, says get organized and set boundaries now.
Dr. Roni Leiderman/Psychologist: "You want to put away the computer games, talk about cell phone time for older children, put away lots of the tv time. make your home a place where you have a place to study, when you come home from school you have a place for your books. you want to have a clean organized environment just like you would for your office."

She also says make the kids go to bed earlier, set a morning alarm, start a breakfast routine and wake up the brain by reading or doing some flash cards.
and she says get the kids together with their friends.
Dr. Roni Leiderman/Psychologist: "There's nothing as inviting and as comforting as walking to school those first few days and seeing a familiar face that you reconnected with."

-NewsAnchorMom Jen