Back To College: Behind the Scenes

By Midlifemargaritas @mdlifemargarita
College is an Entire Mini-World to a College Kid

So we just moved Thing 1 back to college this weekend. It was a great summer having him home but we knew he had to go back. It’s like a puppy that’s just getting to adulthood and he’s cute, potty trained and done chewing the shoes, now it’s time to be the big dog. Not sure Thing 1 would appreciate that analogy but it’s what popped into my head.

I thought for sure he had all his stuff packed and ready to go at the start of the week. Nah, what was I thinking? The night before is when that magic happens apparently. Washing clothes like a mad Chinese laundress the night before was not what I had in mind on his last night home but you got to do what you got to do right? So packed, clothes washed, a few snacks bought and a few school supplies. ✓ that off the list..

Move-in day we are up early, have our special Chick-fil-a breakfast and started loading the cars. By the way did I mention Thing 1 goes to college in town? So we don’t have far to go but you would think we were moving him across state lines. And FYI, he packs more than a girl. Hell, he packs more than I ever did moving to school! Sorry, I got off track.

Packing the cars. It took one jacked up truck and my ‘mom’ car to get all his stuff transported. Keep in mind we are in North Carolina and it’s 1000 degrees. It was hotter than 70 hells, I promise. I watched as both my boys loaded and tied down a futon in the back of the truck. I just watched a TV show about things falling out of trucks and killing people on the highway. So I was hoping they knew how to tie a knot. Then I told my husband maybe we should let them leave a few minutes ahead so we wouldn’t be directly behind them. Just in case. We finally got it all packed and headed to college.

I have to say it was a pretty easy check in. Not a lot of people checking in yet. The boys lugged everything up to the room, lofted the bed, made the bed, hung up the clothes, loaded the fridge and we were done. Just like the pros. Hardly any swearing but a lot of sweating. Good news, the dorm RA is the room right next to Thing 1. Not such good news for him. We left Thing 2 behind to hang out with his brother and roomie the rest of the day.

As we left, I thought I would be sad. I was a little, but mostly proud of our college kid. He’s in that stage of still our kid but a man in the making. Here’s a few pics of the moving day: behind the scenes. Praying that futon would fit through the door without having to be dismantled was fun. Notice the ‘roomies’ posing on the futon trying to be cool. I told them to smile, but they looked like ‘tools’. I think that was the look they were going for. Oh and notice the cooler just thrown in the front yard. SMH. Look out world, sophomore year is just about to get “LIT”. lol