Back In The Allotment Saddle

By The Garden Smallholder @gdnsmallholder

The long hot summer has been and gone and I’m reaping the rewards in the kitchen garden. The autumn tidy up has begun and having chickens roaming around the garden smallholding means I’m never alone, the hens readily help themselves to crops and scratch the soil to a fine tilth. I’m happy to let them ‘help’ of course and I adore their company. I have a new flock of young hens that I don’t think I’ve mentioned yet on the blog, they join my gang of fluffy (currently moulting) Brahmas and my old girls who are still kicking about the place, getting up to all sorts.

autumn fruiting raspberries variety polka

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I realize it’s been a long while since my last blog here and the reason for that is being busy with my allotment. I have put in a lot of work at my plot to get it ready for spring and I’m so pleased with the progress, I enjoy spending time there so it hasn’t felt like hard work if you know what I mean? I’ve blogged all about my allotment over on my allotment blog Pumpkins and Bunting

Please do pop by my allotment blog and see what I’ve been getting up to this summer, or follow me on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for regular updates.

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