Bachelorette Scavenger Hunt Ideas

By Raymondleejewelers @raymondleejwlrs

It’s not truly a bachelorette party until you and the bride check embarrassing things off a list. And since “Bachelorette Scavenger Hunt Ideas” is one of the highest rated search terms that sends people here, I figured I’d deliver the goods along with all the engagement ring eye candy I like to provide. No two brides are the same, so no two bachelorette bashes should be either! And it’s important to tailor the celebration to the guest of honor. If she’s not the type to order an unfortunately named shot loudly in a crowded bar, don’t insist she does it (that’s what bridesmaids are for). And if the group would rather keep things PG-13, then a clean bachelorette checklist is right up your alley.

bachelorette party scavenger hunt

This list makes everyone compete in the embarrassing games. It doesn’t get too raunchy and has a healthy dose of ridiculousness suited to a group of girls who are ready to get rowdy but not trashy.

Cute Bachelorette Scavenger Hunt

This cute bachelorette scavenger hunt leads the bride through fun activities (make sure your bride to be is ok with drinking if you go this route). Instead of having her collect phone numbers or do (really) embarrassing things, they had her do mildly attention grabbing activities all in the name of finding out where her best friends are taking her. Cute and not creepy.

Cosmopolitan Bachelorette Party Checklist

Leave it to Cosmo to start making things a little more risque…but to same gals, it’s just not a bachelorette party until certain “props” come into play. I do like this one for its social media savvy though – Instagram and Vine to-do’s are the new “make a bald guy buy you a shot.” And we’ll never turn down a cheesy 90’s serenade.

No booze, no phallus, no problem. This clean and alcohol free bachelorette scavenger hunt is still competitive, ridiculous, and seriously fun.

This bar crawl scavenger hunt is hands down the best. Creative checklist, cute chevron background, sufficient amount of ridiculous behavior (threshold carrying wins), and mementos to remember the night? Where’s my invite?