Babysitter In Russia Beating Nine Month Old Baby

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

SHOCKING footage has emerged of a babysitter in Russia savagely beating a nine-month-old child.

To be honest I am reluctant to even voice my own opinion on this heartbreaking and vile article. As a working mom I had to employ a childminder to come into our home. She was a trusted friend and I still made regular phone calls home, to check on the children. When we leave someone in charge of our children we expect them to be professional and actually take care of our children.

I do not have any polite words to say about this women. But I know one thing, if I caught anyone laying as much as a finger on my children, she would be begging to go to prison.

What disgusts me is the punishment is £500 ? So you are allowed to beat and slap a baby around the head because it is crying and all you will face is a £500 charge? That is sick! Or she may well face 3 months in prison. Lets hope there are some mums on the inside who will slap her around the head a few times.

This woman wants to be put into a padded cell with real mothers who will teach her a lesson and give her a taste of her own medicine.

The 55-year-old woman was rumbled hitting the toddler after his parents rigged up a secret camera.

The family – from Krasnoyarsk in central Russia – had grown suspicious after repeatedly returning home to find the child crying.

When they questioned their older children they confirmed that the nanny – who had worked for the family for years – had been beating the child while they were out.

After confronting the unnamed woman she denied the attacks – saying the child was crying because the parents had been spoiling it.

She then kicks the child in the back before putting a blanket over the top of the child in an attempt to keep it quiet.

The parents handed the footage to police who arrested the woman.

She is now facing a fine of just £500 or three months in jail. . Read The Full Story